Archive of posts with tag 'music theory'

8 Tips for how to practice improvising music

“Improvising itself is essentially about breaking the rules of music, and once you know the rules and the concepts involved in music, with improvising you can then start to break...

What is Rhythm?

Rhythm is the sequence of sounds in time. In other common musical terms, it is also referred to as ritmo (Italian), rythme (French) and Rhythmus (German).

What is a semitone?

The semitone is the smallest interval between sounds.

What is the time signature?

The time signature refers to regularly recurring accents (e.g. beats and bars), organising the rhythm.

How to understand notes?

Musical pieces are made up of notes. Strictly speaking, notes are marks placed on the staff, which provide information about the pitch and duration of the sound.

What is an interval?

This is the difference between the pitch of two sounds, the distance between them.

Ear Training — What is it?

“All musicians practice ear training constantly, whether or not they are cognizant of it. If, when listening to a piece of music, a musician is envisioning how to play it...

How to read music — Pitch

The only background knowledge you need when learning how to read music is a basic understanding of the fact that some notes sound higher than others — this difference is called pitch....

How To Read Drum Music?

Before we start on the basics of reading drum music, being able to read drum notation isn’t mandatory! Plenty of great drummers can’t read drum music at all and play...

What Is Tempo?

Timing and rhythm are vital to all forms of music. Without them the sound becomes unformulated and the musicians cannot play in unison.